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Praha 10: Developing neighbourhood community

Aktivní Spolek na Padesátém, in cooperation with the Municipal District of Prague 10, supports the development of the neighborhood community with a number of low-threshold projects.
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Basic information

Name of the city/town/region: Praha 10
Organization: Spolek Na Padesátém
E-mail: frantisek@spoleknapadesatem.cz
Subject: Komunikace mezi veřejnou správou, občany a dalšími subjekty, participace

Description and outputs

Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results?

Members of the Na Padesátém Association have been working since 2015 to develop the Strašnice district of Prague, specifically the Skalka Housing Estate, which is characterized by diverse modernist construction. The place lacks a unified architectural concept and lacks a park or other place for rest and spending free time. However, there are 15 children's playgrounds, complete civic amenities are provided, including a metro station, which is why this location for living in the capital is attractive and sought after. The Na Padesátém association is actively trying to change places in the Skalka Housing Estate for the better, so that there are more opportunities to meet and for residents to live better together. It therefore organizes events that promote the potential of the place, and further proposes the modification of public spaces so that residents can gather here and feel good.    

Specific activities include, for example:

1. Parčík na Tehovské: The initial activity, where it was possible to turn a neglected inner block into a friendly "park" and also to create a neighborhood community that meets on various occasions (barbecuing, cleaning, burning witches, celebrating Children's Day, carving pumpkins, building a nativity scene on Christmas); 

2. Park Skalka: a strip of green under the former high-voltage wires, which has the potential of a park, which is missing in the Skalka Housing Estate. In 2018, the residents' proposal won the competition within the participatory budget of the City of Prague 10 - Moje Stopa. The project for a total of 1 million CZK has already been implemented, giant wooden seeds from the sculptors Hynk Skoták and Tereza Holá were planted on the meadow, which serve as benches or climbing frames; a convenient threshing road was also created here. Picnics, Drakiáds or events as part of Experience the city differently take place on site. An exchange booth was also installed in Park Skalka in 2022, and the residents of Betlém build it here for Christmas.     

Examples of implemented events in 2022 and 2023:
20. 3. Start of the park season in the park on Tehovské
3. 4. Let's clean up on the 50th
30. 4. The Witch's Rej
1. 6. Western children's afternoons (parents to children)
27. 8. SWAP - workshop Make a keychain
17. 9. Seed swap for seeds (as part of Experience the city differently)
9. 10. Let's clean up on the 50th
23. 10. Drakiadas (aviation day)
2. 11. Pumpkin souls and autumn cleaning of the park on Tehovské
23. 11. Discussion on the possibilities of installing photovoltaics in the City Library
26.11. Creative swap and upcycling workshop in the Laundry
area 28.11. Composting advice center and educational program for children from EKODOMOV

PLUS: Examples of interventions in public spaces: Park on Tehovské (since 2015), Benches on the dog meadow (2017), Park Skalka (Participatory budget 2018, implementation between 2018 and 2021), Installation of exchange booth (2022), Paklet (2023)

The implementation of these activities is also possible thanks to the system of low-threshold projects financed by the Prague 10 district, such as the Project Pool or one-year grant funding of community events, or until 2020 also the Participatory budget Moje stopa.

Activities are often implemented in cooperation with other associations and institutions operating in the area (City Library, Straka Association, Bubahof Association, Prostor Prádelna, Čískobratrská Church). All activities within the association are on a voluntary basis, which was also awarded in 2023 in the Prague 10 Municipal Council - Volunteer of the Year Prague 10 competition.

Is the activity related to any of your strategical document?

The projects fulfill the strategic plan of the City of Prague 10 for the years 2020 to 2030, especially in the strategic goals of active involvement of the public in the care of the environment and responsible management of waste and prevention of its creation.

In our activities, we focus on educational activities in the field of the environment, especially through cleaning activities, care for public space and neighborhood swaps.

Events are regularly visited by families with children, and a significant part of organizational capacity is also dedicated to them.

Were the implemented activities documented?

All events are described and published on the website www.spoleknapadesatem.cz, in 2022 to 2023 the Tipník project, informing about community events in Prague 10.

Start of activity: 01.01.2015
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What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? [tis. Kč] 380
How was the activity funded?

Activities are financed from the budget of the Municipal Council of Prague 10 through the program Stockpile of projects - partnership for Prague 10 (support for modifications of public space and events up to 50,000 per year (since 2015), annual grants to support activities to improve the environment (2022 and 2023 ), Participatory budget in 2018) .

Detailed schedule:

The costs were approx. 380 thousand. for all modifications of public spaces, installations and events for the public. (Without realization of "Park Skalka").

Recommendations and inspiration

What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? 1. For the activities of the association, we perceive the existence of grant funding at the Municipal Council of Prague 10, which is helpful from the point of view of administration (brief applications, simple reporting of withdrawals) as essential. It is also the diversity of resources that can be drawn from within the Municipalities. It is also important to respect the autonomy of the recipients when implementing the events (the Municipal Council does not interfere with the nature of the event).

2. It is also important to be connected with other local associations in Prague 10, with which we support and inspire each other.

Risk, obstacles and positive moments in the implementation process

Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization?

Our activity shows (sometimes also uncovers) the potential of a specific place. We do activities exclusively in places we know well, where we go every day, and we prepare them in such a way that the changes in the given place make sense and respect the surroundings and residents. We also combine one-off events with modifications of public space in order to promote more permanent change.

Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? 1. Some of our activities focused on the modification of public spaces go beyond the possibility of grant funding of the Municipal Council, and for more visible changes in public space we must look for allies, including persuading political representatives and officials. This is not always easy, it is often a long shot with a result that can no longer be influenced.

2. It is not easy to find cooperating partners for our activities and at the same time it is not easy to spread this concept further.

During the implementation of the activities / project, did you encounter an event that fundamentally affected the implementation?

After the transformations in the immediate surroundings (literally under the windows of the apartments where we live), we initiated the transformations of places in the adjacent streets; ideas are now emerging for changes in the wider area of ​​Na Padesátém street, i.e. the entire Skalka housing estate, which we did not foresee at the beginning of our work.

Monitoring and evaluation

Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way?

We monitor the number of event participants (in 2022, it was 625 people at 12 different events). An indicator of success will also be more fundamental transformations of public spaces in the Skalka Housing Estate, if they are successful).

Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project?

In particular, the modification of public spaces is an activity that we want to focus on in the future and which will not be able to be financed only from grants from the City of Prague 10. We also consider solving the traffic situation or measures to support the cessation of climate change as activities that will form a stable future the core of our activity.

Media, promotion

How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes?

We communicate on FB (https://www.facebook.com/spoleknapadesatem), a more permanent overview of activities and projects is on website (https://spoleknapadesatem.cz).

Mentions of the association's activities appeared in the Prague 10 Monthly, at blesk.cz, or at CT Regiony magazine


Name: Spolek Na Padesátém
Company number or other registration data: 11737158
Address: Tehovská 3, 100 00 Praha 10
Web: http://www.spoleknapadesatem.cz

Another partakers

Název:MČ Praha 10
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj:00063941
Adresa:Vršovická 68, 101 38 Praha 10
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